class TodoTxtBuilder
constructor: (defaultParameters={ }) ->
@date = new Date(defaultParameters.date) or new Date
@contexts = defaultParameters.contexts or [ ]
@projects = defaultParameters.projects or [ ]
@priority = defaultParameters.priority or undefined
newTodo: (description, parameters={ }) ->
date = (parameters.date and new Date(parameters.date)) or @date
contexts = @contexts.concat(parameters.contexts or [ ])
projects = @projects.concat(parameters.projects or [ ])
priorityLevel = parameters.priority or @priority
createdAt = [date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, date.getDate()].join("-")
contextNames = ("@#{context}" for context in contexts when context).join(" ")
projectNames = ("+#{project}" for project in projects when project).join(" ")
priority = if priorityLevel then "(#{priorityLevel})" else ""
todoParts = [priority, createdAt, description, contextNames, projectNames]
(part for part in todoParts when part.length > 0).join " "
builder = new TodoTxtBuilder(date: "10/13/2011")
builder.newTodo "Wash laundry"
# => '2011-10-13 Wash laundry'
workBuilder = new TodoTxtBuilder(date: "10/13/2011", contexts: ["work"])
workBuilder.newTodo "Show the new design pattern to Lucy", contexts: ["desk", "xpSession"]
# => '2011-10-13 Show the new design pattern to Lucy @work @desk @xpSession'
workBuilder.newTodo "Remind Sean about the failing unit tests", contexts: ["meeting"], projects: ["compilerRefactor"], priority: 'A'
# => '(A) 2011-10-13 Remind Sean about the failing unit tests @work @meeting +compilerRefactor'
builder = new TodoTxtBuilder(date: "10/13/2011")
builder.newTodo "Order new netbook"
# => '2011-10-13 Order new netbook'
builder.projects.push "summerVacation"
builder.newTodo "Buy suntan lotion"
# => '2011-10-13 Buy suntan lotion +summerVacation'
builder.contexts.push "phone"
builder.newTodo "Order tickets"
# => '2011-10-13 Order tickets @phone +summerVacation'
delete builder.contexts[0]
builder.newTodo "Fill gas tank"
# => '2011-10-13 Fill gas tank +summerVacation'
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